Sunday 14 January 2018

Prolific. The more than academic research site.

pie chart, prolific survey and academic study review, sign-up registration link
If anyone were to ask me what my favourite survey site is, then I'd have to say, without hesitation, that it's Prolific.

Granted, it could be argued that it's not really a survey site. It's more a research site on which academics and those learning to be academics can conduct various studies as part of their research. The great thing about it is that, because it's not serving the needs of the usual market research companies, the studies it offers are usually far more interesting - and often better paid. It's also not unknown for researchers to pay you bonuses. My best ever day on Prolific saw me pick up £24.

Granted, that total was freakish but it's not unknown to make several pounds in a day and to enjoy it while I'm doing it.

You should be prepared, however. Mysterious droughts, in which you can go for a week or so at a time without being offered a study, are not unknown. When the drought finally ends, you often get a whole bunch of studies in quick succession. It also dies off outside of term time, as the people conducting the studies go off for their holidays.

My one complaint is that studies fill up quickly and it's easy to miss them. Therefore, it's wise to install a browser extension called Prolific Assistant which alerts you whenever a study is available. Set it to check the site every thirty seconds or so, to be on the safe side.

This site is definitely my Number One Tip for survey users and you can sign up to it by clicking on this referral link.

Payment method: Paypal, Circle.
Minimum cash-out: £5.
Time for payout to be processed: 2-5 days.
My earnings last week: £11.25.
My rating: 9/10.

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