Tuesday 5 June 2018

Zerys - the content mill that's not been a content thrill.

writing pad and pen, zerys content mill review sign-up register info and link
I do sometimes think I'm doing this wrong. I have noticed that other sites dedicated to how to make money online seem to spend all their time enthusing about all the great ways you can make a mint from various things, and I seem to spend most of my time saying I never make any money from anything. Still, at least you can't fault me for my honesty.

Zerys seems to be a perfect case-in-point. In the wake of my Textbroker triumph and my Crowd Content and Copify catastrophes, I signed up with Zerys several months ago, in the hope of landing some low-paid but undemanding writing work but, in the absence of many offers that I could actually tackle, I then sort of forgot the site ever existed.

In an attempt at some sort of online housecleaning, I've been going through my bookmarks and I decided to take a proper look at Zerys before I give up on it completely. However, if anything, matters have actually got worse. I had the site's, "Job Center," page open all day yesterday, with Chrome's Super Auto Refresh extension set to activate once a minute, just to make sure I didn't miss anything that might come up but there was literally not one job appeared in all that time.

Another thing that strikes me is that ,while the Zerys blog is clearly still active, with regular posts about how to make money as a freelance writer, its forum, other than the Introduce Yourself thread, hasn't had a single post made in it for something like nine months, which does give me the impression that other members might be finding it a less than busy site as well.

I can't say anything more about Zerys because the lack of job offers means I've no experience of what it's like to actually write for it. Regardless, if you want to sign up with Zerys, you can do so by clicking on this link, which isn't a referral link and, so, as always with Zerys, I won't make any money out of it.

Payment method: PayPal.
Minimum payout: Unclear.
Time for payouts to be processed: Usually 3 business days.
My earnings in the last week: £0.
My rating: 1/10.

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