Friday 8 June 2018

Super Auto Refresh. The Chrome Extension for when you need to keep up to date.

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One of the things I've discovered with a number of the sites I've tried to make money from is that, if you're not quick on the uptake, you can miss out on opportunities.

Content mills are a prime example of this, where job offers can be snapped up by others before you even knew they were ever there.

One way to get round this is to leave that site's job page open, in a separate window, with an auto-refresher extension added to your browser, while you're using your computer for other things,

There are plenty of such extensions and add-ons available but the one I'm currently using on Chrome is Super Auto Refresh. It only take a few moments for you to attach it to your browser and, once it's there, you can set it to auto-refresh any page of your choice at whatever interval you like between 2 seconds and 60 minutes.

For the more active sites, like Textbroker, I have Super Auto Refresh set to do its thing once every 2 minutes.

For sites where jobs hang around for a longer time, like Copify, I have it set to refresh every twenty minutes.

Super Auto Refresh can be found by clicking on this mighty link or you can simply go to the Google Chrome Web Store, where a whole host of auto-refresher extensions can be found.

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