Thursday 19 April 2018

Copify. My frustration is without bounds.

writing pad and blue pen, steve gets rich, copify review, register sign-up link
Possibly the most frustrating money-making site I've ever come across has to be Copify. Like Textbroker, Copify is a content mill. That is, they'll pay you to write articles for their clients.

Why Copify should be great is because they pay noticeably better than Textbroker. You're still not going to get rich with them but you can typically earn £15 for 1,000 words, which is far better than a typical writer will get at the other site.

The problem I have with Copify is that their clients are too undemanding. Mostly, you'll be given instructions like, "Write an article about technology," with no guidance beyond that as to what they actually want. This means that if you accept the assignment, you're committing yourself to write a piece without the slightest idea if it'll be accepted, because you have no way of knowing what the client is actually after.

This, coupled with very tight deadlines (sometimes of just two hours), means I've only ever accepted one assignment from them, which was for an article, "about art." For this, I got £1.50 for one hundred words, which was highly pleasing.

I just wish Copify would get clients to give the level of instruction that most do on Textbroker. If that happened and deadlines were looser, Copify would instantly become a far more attractive site to write for than Textbroker and, I suspect, steal a lot of business away from them. As it is, right now, I just find my occasional visits to it dispiriting

Granted, the fault may just be with me. It may be that I'm simply not positive-minded enough to work without clear instruction and it may be that those with a different mind-set can actually make it work.

If you feel you may succeed where I can't, you can can register with Copify by clicking on this link, which isn't a referral link, so I won't make any money out of you using it.

Payment method: PayPal.
Minimum payout: £10.
Time for payouts to be processed: One Day.
My earnings in the last week: £0.
My rating: 2/10.

Wednesday 18 April 2018

Textbroker - get paid to write.

writing pad with blue pen, steve gets rich, textbroker review, sign-up, register link
One of the most direct ways to earn money online is to write articles for content mills. Content mills have a fairly terrible reputation for paying as little as they can but they can be useful for earning quick money and for practising your writing skills before you aim for more ambitious projects. The first content mill I ever signed up for was Textbroker and it's definitely worth a look at.

To register, you have to submit a purpose-written sample of your writing. Using this, Textbroker will assess your writing standard (which always seems to be Level 3) and then you'll be offered whatever work is available for writers at that level.

At Level 3, you'll typically be paid around £4 for a 500 word article. If that doesn't seem a lot, the good news is that most of the people submitting orders are not overly demanding, so you don't have to produce literary masterpieces and you can bang articles out without too much care. As long as the piece is about what it's supposed to be about, makes sense, isn't cursed with spelling mistakes and bad grammar and is original, it's likely to be accepted.

Once you've successfully written an article for someone, you can then contact them and offer to write more pieces for them, via Textbroker, setting your own pay-rate. This means you can increase your earnings fairly dramatically. On top of that, you can also ask Textbroker to improve your rating, which will increase your earnings potential.

I have to say that, for a sideline, this site's been a good earner for me and my record earnings from it in one week have been over £100.

Having said that, it can be a case of feast or famine. It's also possible to go through an entire week without making a penny from it. If you have nothing better on your plate, writing-wise, I'd recommend it but bear in mind that, if you can find them, there are far better-paying opportunities out there for writers.

If you want to sign up for Textbroker, you can do so by clicking on this link. Textbroker appears not to have a referrals system, so rest assured that I'll make no money from you using that link.

Payment method: PayPal.
Minimum payout: 10 Euros.
Time for payouts to be processed: Two days.
My earnings in the last week: £28.
My rating: 7/10.

Tuesday 17 April 2018

Mingle. They do surveys but their app is more interesting.

Pie chart, Mingle survey site and app review, sign-up registration link info
My weird fixation with survey sites continues and, so, I find myself looking at yet another one.

This time it's Mingle, an organisation who retain a vague sense of mystery for me, even though I've been using them for over a year.

The surveys they offer are fairly standard, as are the rewards for doing them and, in my experience, there really aren't very many surveys available.

What does make Mingle of interest is that they have an app called Mingle Tracks which they'll pay you to download and install.

mobile phone with uk gbp british pound symbol on its white screen, mingle tracks app, review sign-up register linkI have Mingle Tracks installed on a phone I only use for playing Swagbucks videos on, and I receive £1.60 a month for doing so. You're allowed to install it on multiple phones and will get the £1.60 a month for each one. Sadly, I can't use it on my other spare phone because it makes it disconnect from the Internet when activated.

You'll also receive 80 pence a month for installing Mingle Tracks on your computer but I've not attempted to do that, as I'm paranoid about my security and, therefore, haven't dared risk it. Mingle, it should be pointed out, say the app is perfectly safe and won't store private or confidential information about you.

With its limited number of surveys available, Mingle isn't one of the more vital sites to join up with and it's a slow earner for me. In fact, Mingle Tracks provides me with pretty much the only income I make from the organisation. Because of this, I'd recommend it as a way to make a few pounds a month for basically doing nothing.

If you want to sign up with Mingle, you can do so by clicking this link. It isn't a referral link and I won't make any money from you using it.

Payment method: BACS, various gift vouchers.
Minimum payout: 2,000 points (£16).
Time for payouts to be processed: Varies.
My earnings in the last week: 44 pence.
My rating: 6/10.

Monday 16 April 2018

One Opinion - the strangely forgettable survey site.

Pie chart, one opinion survey site review, sign-up registration link
There's really not a lot to say about One Opinion. It offers the same kinds of surveys that the likes of Branded Surveys, Swagbucks and Qmee do. I'd say it pays slightly less than the average for them and I get screened out of nearly all of them. Consequently, I make very little money from the site.

The good news is that you generally get paid 5 pence if you're screened out, so there is, at least some incentive.

With a relatively high minimum cash-out limit of £25, it's another of those sites that takes a long time to reach the redemption stage, so you're likely to need a fair bit of patience. I'd say One Opinion is worth signing up for but there are other sites I'd sign up with first.

If you want to join One Opinion, you can so so by clicking on this link. One Opinion appears to have no referrals system, so, you can sleep easy tonight knowing that I'll not make a penny out of it if you join via this site.

Payment method: Virtual Visa card, PayPal, Amazon vouchers.
Minimum payout: £25.
Time for payouts to be processed: Usually less than a week.
My earnings in the last week: £1.50.
My rating: 6/10.

Sunday 15 April 2018

Panelbase. It's not what it used to be.

Pie chart, Panelbase survey site review, sign-up, registration info
I'm starting to be astonished by just how many survey sites I'm signed up to. And here's yet another one for me to talk about. Of them all, Panelbase is one of the less dramatic ones. When I first started using it, about a year and a half ago, it was a steady earner for me but, for whatever reason, as I've gone along, my earnings from it have declined markedly. Whether that's a problem only I've had or whether others have found the same thing, I couldn't say.

It's one of those sites that you don't need to check-up on on a regular basis because its surveys seem to hang around forever and Panelbase emails you whenever a new one appears. The surveys generally pay somewhat above average and, personally, I find that I get offered plenty but I get screened out of nearly all of them, meaning Panelbase is a very slow earner for me.

As well as surveys, the site also frequently offers you the chance to join paid market research panels which are noticeably better rewarded than individual surveys. Sadly, I can give no judgement on what it's like to be on one of those panels, as I've never qualified for any of them. I sometimes get the feeling that these companies see me as a demographic catastrophe.

When it comes to cashing-out, you can do so once you've earned £10. That didn't used to take me long to achieve but, nowadays, it takes me around 3 months to get there.

You, however, may have better luck than me, so, if you want to sign up with Panelbase, you can do it by using this link. Panelbase are another of those pesky sites that don't have a referral system, so, as so often, you can rest assured that I won't make any money out of it if you use that link.

Payment method: BACS, gift vouchers.
Minimum payout: £10.
Time for payouts to be processed: Around one month.
My earnings in the last week: 70 pence.
My rating: 5/10.

Saturday 14 April 2018

One Poll. The slow but reliable survey site.

Pie Chart, percentages, OnePoll survey site review and sign-up register link
OnePoll is one of the simplest survey sites you'll ever come across. It offers nothing other than surveys, and the surveys themselves tend to also be straightforward.

Those surveys are, it has to be said, very low-paying, offering you just 10-20 pence each, with the occasional 30 pence one thrown in. At that rate, it really does take weeks or even months to reach your first payout of £25. Once you've cashed out, you then may find yourself having to wait for up to a month for the money to reach you. This is definitely a survey site for people who aren't in a rush.

But it's not all bad news. The good news is that there's a steady stream of surveys available and I usually get through 3 to 5 of them a day. Generally, they're pretty pain-free to complete. I also get screened out of only a minority once I've started and, when I am screened out, it happens early in the process, meaning I don't get my time wasted.

While OnePoll has its faults, in terms of pay, I do recommend it because of the reliable number of surveys available and their simplicity.

If you want to join OnePoll, you can do so by using this link. OnePoll do have a referral system but it uses email, rather than links on websites, which means you can rest assured that I won't make any money if you use the links on this page to join up.

Payment method: BACS & PayPal.
Minimum payout: £25.
Time for payouts to be processed: Up to 28 days.
My earnings in the last week: £1.45.
My rating: 7/10.

Friday 13 April 2018

Opinion Outpost. Don't expect your bank manager to get excited by it.

pie chart, Opinion Outpost survey site review and sign-up registration link
Some survey sites are better than others and I'm afraid I'd have to put Opinion Outpost in the lower tier of legitimate sites. It definitely is legitimate, I've never had any trouble getting my hands on the money they owe me and they hand it over quickly. On top of that, with a minimum cash-out level of just £2.50, they don't force you to earn ridiculous amounts before you can access your earnings.

The bad news is Opinion Outpost pay very poorly. They offer surveys from the same sources that sites like Branded Surveys, Qmee and Swagbucks do but their rates are awful. It's not uncommon to find yourself getting 25 pence for a twenty minute survey. Also, there's a very high screen-out rate for surveys after you've started them, meaning it can become a time-consuming and frustrating experience. You're also not offered the option of declining surveys that you don't  like the look of. So, the only way to reject overly-long surveys is to close the page, go back to the home page and start all over again.

In my experience, you earn at a far faster rate when you're new to the site than you do once you're established. Therefore, the best way to use Opinion Outpost is arguably to sign up, make your money while you can and then forget about the site once the surveys start to dry up.

If you want to join Opinion Outpost, you can do so by using this link. Opinion Outpost appear to have no referral system, so you can rest assured that I'll make no money from it if you do join them.

Payment method: Paypal, Amazon gift codes, various other gift codes.
Minimum payout: £2.50.
Time for payouts to be processed: Usually within a couple of days.
My earnings in the last week: 25 pence.
My rating: 4/10.

Thursday 12 April 2018

NewVista Live. It's like PopulusLive but also isn't.

pie chart, newvista live survey site review, sign-up registration link
I've said elsewhere on this site that PopulusLive is one of my favourite survey sites, and that means I should also mention NewVista Live because, at first glance, NewVista Live seems to be a be a direct replica of PopulusLive.

Indeed, the format of its surveys is almost identical to those of the other company. Not only that but they too only pay out when you reach £50 and pay by cheque. None of that fancy new money-transferring technology for them.

There are, however, differences. For a start, they don't pay as well. While Populus are one of the best payers out there, NewVista's pay rates are more in line with the mid-range of survey sites. They also, as well as their own surveys, offer you the chance to do surveys from Toluna and Survey Sampling International, both of whom some of us find to be among the more frustrating survey providers.

Personally, I don't bother with the Toluna and Survey Sampling International offerings and stick to the ones belonging to NewVista itself, which, while not hugely well-rewarded, tend to be more interesting.

So, overall, NewVista isn't as good a site as Populus. I'd say it's worth signing up for because you will slowly make money from it but it's not one of the must-have sites. If you want to join NewVista Live, you can do so by clicking this link. NewVista don't seem to offer a referral system, so I'll make no money from you joining.

Payment method: Cheque.
Minimum payout: £50.
Time for payouts to be processed: Usually a couple of weeks.
My earnings in the last week: 50p.
My rating: 6/10.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

YouGov. It's got, "Gov," in the title, so it must be good. Right?

pie chart, yougov survey site review, sign-up registration link
Despite its name, YouGov is not run by the British government, although it does claim that the British and other governments take heed of the results of its polling and market research. It's a very straightforward site which really offers nothing other than surveys and polls, when it comes to money-making possibilities.

Although I don't mind it, it's not one of my favourite survey sites because, in my experience, surveys are rare. They're also not hugely interesting and they don't pay particularly well (usually 25p-50p).

Given that YouGov is such a slow-burner when it comes to making money, it's also a minor annoyance that you can't cash-out until you've amassed £50. You're also paid by cheque, not direct transfer or PayPal, just to drag the process out that bit longer.

I'd say YouGov is worth signing up for, as it's relative straightforward and undemanding but, in terms of earnings potential, it's somewhat below par. On the other hand, you may get to help influence government policy by using it, so perhaps that alone may be sufficient motivation to take part.

Regardless, if you want to sign up to YouGov, you can do so via this referral link. If you do so and complete six surveys with them, I'll receive a £2 bonus from them.

Payment method: Cheque.
Minimum payout: £50.
Time for payouts to be processed: Unclear.
My earnings in the last week: 50 pence.
My rating: 6/10.

Tuesday 10 April 2018

PopulusLive - one of the best survey sites around.

It's not very often that I get to praise survey sites unequivocally. Often, their surveys are tedious, pay poorly or screen you out with annoying regularity. But there's one survey site I can recommend with no equivocation whatsoever.

And that's PopulusLive.

PopulusLive surveys pay well, usually between £1 and £6, they're generally interesting and they rarely screen you out once you've started them. This means it's always good news when one of them pops up in your email inbox. You do need a little patience, however, as they don't offer a huge amount of surveys, so you may have to go for lengthy spells between them.

The one thing that could be improved about PopulusLive is that you can't cash-out until you've earned £50 and, once you have, they pay by cheque, which means you have to wait for it to arrive. Still, it usually only takes a couple of weeks to arrive, so it's not a massive inconvenience. The cash-out process is automatic, so you don't have to do anything to activate it.

PopulusLive is definitely in my top three or four favourite survey sites and I'd see it as one that you have to sign up for if you want to make money from surveys. As far as I can make out, they have no referrals programme, which means I'll get no bonus from PopulusLive if you sign up with them through this link but I'm not going to let that put me off recommending them.

Payment method: Cheque.
Minimum payout: £50.
Time for payouts to be processed: Usually a couple of weeks.
My earnings in the last week: £6.
My rating: 9/10.

Monday 9 April 2018

Swagbucks - the ubiquitous rewards site.

Swagbucks is almost some kind of a legend when it comes to sites that pay you to use them. At times, it's hard to know why, as things don't always work as they're meant to but, still, it goes on from year to year.

Swagbucks offers various ways to make money. The easiest is to use its apps which pay you to play videos on them. The good news is that, once you get the videos started, you don't have to do anything until they've all been played. You can earn 10 points a day with each app, meaning that, with 7 apps available, you can make 70 pts a day. Unfortunately, the apps can be demanding on your phone and, therefore freeze, so it can be wise to store them on your memory card, rather than in the phone's own internal memory. Also, to save money, make sure to connect your phone to your wi-fi, rather than burning up your mobile data allowance

The most direct way to earn on Swagbucks is via surveys, and the site offers you lots of them. Generally, they're not great. They don't pay too well and they frequently screen you out - sometimes right at the end of them. Having said that, there are plenty of them and you're told before you start how long they're expected to take and what the reward will be. In my experience, it's wise to be choosy and only tackle the short ones or the ones that reward better than averagely.

The exception to that are the surveys offered through Peanut Labs. Again, they're not well paid and don't tend to be riveting. However, you get 1 pt for being screened out of each one, which means it's worth opening them all simultaneously then get yourself quickly screened out of them to pile up those rejection points.

As with Branded Surveys, there are also Offers pages which feature various cashback deals you can sign up to in exchange for points. As with Branded Surveys, these are not worth bothering with, as they often don't credit and some of them look highly dubious anyway.

You can also make money with a thing called nCrave, which pays you to watch ads. As with the apps, you don't have to pay much attention to them but you will have to click on a button to move on to the next one. You can have them open in a separate window while you do your normal browsing.

A pleasing feature of Swagbucks is one in which you get paid to play video games. The games are incredibly easy - one of them involves simply dropping a T Rex off a cliff - and you're allowed to earn a maximum of 10 points a day by that route.

There's also a Watch page on the site, which rewards you for running videos. This is, however, very poorly rewarded, places heavy demands on your device and is simply not worth bothering with. It's hard to see why Swagbucks persists with it.

More worthwhile is the Adscend Media page which offers and, both of which also pay you to watch videos. These can be a decent money earner, although it does depend on how many adverts are available and this can vary from day to day and at different times of year. A note of warning, the previously mentioned Branded Surveys pays you more for watching and and, so, is a better option for this particular feature.

Swagbucks also has a Daily Poll, which pays you 1 point to click on it, and there's a daily Code which can be found from various online sources. Pasting that into the appropriate box will normally earn you 2-5 points, although there are occasional special days when numerous codes are released, enabling you to earn more.

A final way to earn is by searching the Internet, using Swagbucks' search engine. By doing this, you can get up to three search wins a day and pick up around 20 points. Occasionally, however, you'll get a bigger win and the biggest I've ever had is 100 points.

You'll notice that I keep mentioning points. That's because you're credited with points, not money. Generally, one point equates to 1 US cent and they're converted to actual money when you cash-out.

Swagbucks can be frustrating, as its features don't always work properly and the ones that you do like can disappear without trace but it's a consistent earner for me and, because of that, I'd say it's a must for those looking to make money from survey and rewards sites. If you want to sign up, you can do so by using this referral link. At the time of writing, Swagbucks will give both you and I a 500 point bonus for signing up through that link, so it's worth a consider.

Payment method: Paypal, a whole multiplicity of gift cards, plus pre-paid Mastercard vouchers.
Minimum payout: $5/£5.
Time for payouts to be processed: Usually within a week.
My earnings in the last week: £6.65.
My rating: 7/10.

Sunday 8 April 2018

Qmee - the fastest payers in the west.

It's time for me to plug yet another survey site, although this one is slightly different.

Like a lot of other sites, Qmee offers surveys. They're the same kind that you find on the likes of Branded Surveys and various other places. What makes Qmee distinctive is you can also earn money for browsing the Internet.

You do that by adding Qmee's extension to your browser and then, every so often, as you go about your normal Internet searching, you'll get money when you hit upon a lucky search term. The money's modest, usually just 5 or 6 pence at a time but you can get multiple, "Wins," a day. I think my record total for one day is 21 pence.

Be warned, it does take patience, as you won't get a payment every time you search and you never know in advance when you'll hit the, "Jackpot." It may happen quickly or it may take some time. It's best to just search normally and not worry about it. In my experience, though, you get the best results by searching for items on eBay and Amazon.

As already stated, the surveys on Qmee are the kind you'll find on many survey aggregation sites, which means a middling level of reward and not always riveting to do. The good feature about them is that every survey that's available to you is displayed and you can pick and choose which ones you want to do, based on length, subject matter and value. There are also plenty of them, which means it's well worth going back to the site on a regular basis to see what new ones have appeared since you last checked.

However, the thing that really sets Qmee apart from the rest is when it comes to your payout. You see, there's no minimum redemption limit. Even if you only have 1 pence to your credit, you can still cash it out - and payment is instant. There's none of that waiting around for weeks for your money to arrive.

Qmee isn't a site for big earnings but the ability to earn from searching, combined with the constant stream of available surveys and the fast payout makes it one of the more pleasing sites to use. If you fancy signing up with Qmee, you can do so by clicking on this referral link.

Payment method: Paypal.
Minimum payout: No minimum necessary.
Time for payouts to be processed: Instant.
My earnings in the last week: £2.36.
My rating: 8/10.

Saturday 7 April 2018

Viewsbank - a hidden gem among pollsters.

Pie chart, viewsbank, paid survey site and poll review sign-up register link and info
I stumbled across Viewsbank completely by accident, having previously heard nothing at all about it.

On the face of it, that might be because it's a very modest payer, but the point is that it pays you for very little work.

Basically, what it does is host single-question opinion polls. Most of these are non-paying but there's one every day that pays 10 pence.

This might not sound a lot but it's 10 pence for answering one question. Bearing in mind there are sites out there which pay that for doing an entire full-blown survey, it's remarkably generous. The paying poll is clearly marked as such and is usually near the top of the homepage, so it's easy to find. Be warned, though, that the 10 pence polls only appear on weekdays and not at weekends.

Viewsbank also pays you 1 pence if you help to make a poll trend by answering it.

On top of this, in return for larger rewards, it hosts occasional short surveys which take a couple of minutes each to complete.

You won't get rich by using Viewsbank but it's a guaranteed 50 pence a week for doing almost literally nothing. I therefore give it a massive great big thumbs up.

Another feature is that you can launch polls of your own and earn £10 if they trend. Personally, not one of the polls I've launched has ever trended, so it clearly takes some doing.

If you want to join Viewsbank - and I'd say you should - you can do so via this referral link, for which I'll receive a bonus from Viewsbank.

Payment method: Paypal.
Minimum payout: £12.
Time for payouts to be processed: Usually around two weeks.
My earnings in the last week: 54 pence.
My rating: 9/10.

a pile of British UK coins, cropped in a circle, steve gets rich in green letters, viewsbank paid poll and survey site review log-in register info link

Thursday 5 April 2018


As the name suggests, SurveyBods is a site that focuses squarely on providing surveys and I'd say it's one of the middling sites for that, paying between 50 pence and £3 for a survey. The rewards for a survey can be decent but there aren't a lot of them, so don't expect to make a fortune from it.

It also occasionally offers the chance to join focus groups, which is a better-paying option. Again, you likely won't get offered the opportunity to join many but such offers do arise from time to time.

Overall, the site's extremely simple, so if you want a slow-burning survey site that does the job, without whistles and bells, it's worth a try.

If you want to sign up for SurveyBods, you can do so by clicking this link.

Payment method: Direct payment into your bank account, or Amazon vouchers.
Minimum payout: £15.
Time for payouts to be processed: Two to three weeks for payments into your bank. Five business days for Amazon vouchers.
My earnings in the last week: £1.25.
My rating: 6/10.

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Branded Surveys - the rebranded site.

pie chart, branded surveys site review, sign-up registration link
Branded Surveys used to be called Mintvine but, for some reason, has now changed its name. Apart from that, nothing much has altered. As before, it pays you to do surveys and also, as a sideline, has what it calls, "Offers," which are alternative ways to make income from the site, such as downloading and using apps, signing up for promotional deals and watching videos.

The Offers are mostly not worth bothering with. In my experience, most of the apps don't download and the ones that do take far too much effort to earn you any reward. Also, not all of the promotional deals actually ever get round to crediting.

However, the Offers' Adwall section is useful, as it features and which reward you for watching videos. The rewards are small - just 1 cent for watching three shortish videos - however you can leave them running on your machine while you get on with other things and you can have them running all day and night, giving you a modest but passive daily income. I'll probably do a separate post about them at a later date, as they really are worth knowing about.

But the main business of Branded Surveys is, as you might have guessed, surveys. They aren't the highest paying survey site but they do have a lot - and I mean a lot - of surveys available. They also tell you in advance how long a survey will be and how much it'll pay, giving you the option to reject any that don't look worth the effort.

They also often give you a small amount of compensation if you start a survey and are then screened out of it. That compensation ranges from between 1 to 30 cents.

Overall, this is a site that's well worth trying if you're looking to do surveys and I'd put it in my top half of survey sites. If you want to sign up, you can do so by clicking on this referral link.

Payment method: Paypal & a whole bunch of gift card/vouchers, including Amazon, Debenhams, iTunes, Marks and Spencer, New Look, Pizza Express, Starbucks, Tesco and The Great British Pub.
Minimum payout: $10.
Time for payouts to be processed: Usually one week.
My earnings in the last week: £4.26.
My rating: 7/10.

Monday 2 April 2018

Testable Minds. The other academic research site.

multi-coloured pie chart with percentages, Testable Minds paid academic study survey site review, sign up, join link info
I've  already mentioned on this blog that my favourite, "Survey," site is Prolific which pays you to do studies on behalf of those engaged in academic research.

Well, now it has a rival in the form of Testable Minds, which offers exactly the same sort of studies as Prolific does. It's not as well established as Prolific but, like that site, it has interesting and relatively well-rewarded studies available.

The main problem at the moment is that, being new, it doesn't have anything like as many studies to offer as Prolific does and its software isn't as slick.

However, it's definitely one to watch and, if you like Prolific, I'd definitely recommend it. You can sign up to Testable Minds by clicking on this link.

Payment method: Paypal.
Minimum payout: $30.
Time for payment to be processed: Unknown.
My earnings last week: $1.30.
My rating: 8/10.