Thursday 19 April 2018

Copify. My frustration is without bounds.

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Possibly the most frustrating money-making site I've ever come across has to be Copify. Like Textbroker, Copify is a content mill. That is, they'll pay you to write articles for their clients.

Why Copify should be great is because they pay noticeably better than Textbroker. You're still not going to get rich with them but you can typically earn £15 for 1,000 words, which is far better than a typical writer will get at the other site.

The problem I have with Copify is that their clients are too undemanding. Mostly, you'll be given instructions like, "Write an article about technology," with no guidance beyond that as to what they actually want. This means that if you accept the assignment, you're committing yourself to write a piece without the slightest idea if it'll be accepted, because you have no way of knowing what the client is actually after.

This, coupled with very tight deadlines (sometimes of just two hours), means I've only ever accepted one assignment from them, which was for an article, "about art." For this, I got £1.50 for one hundred words, which was highly pleasing.

I just wish Copify would get clients to give the level of instruction that most do on Textbroker. If that happened and deadlines were looser, Copify would instantly become a far more attractive site to write for than Textbroker and, I suspect, steal a lot of business away from them. As it is, right now, I just find my occasional visits to it dispiriting

Granted, the fault may just be with me. It may be that I'm simply not positive-minded enough to work without clear instruction and it may be that those with a different mind-set can actually make it work.

If you feel you may succeed where I can't, you can can register with Copify by clicking on this link, which isn't a referral link, so I won't make any money out of you using it.

Payment method: PayPal.
Minimum payout: £10.
Time for payouts to be processed: One Day.
My earnings in the last week: £0.
My rating: 2/10.

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